
Everyone deserves to have personalized assistance for financial planning.

To request your free no obligation analysis:

At Pryor Financial Services, we are committed to providing our clients with knowledge and resources to establish and achieve their personal and professional financial goals. 

Pre-planning and financial analysis of home and auto purchases, mortgage refinances, college funding, and investment strategies can save money.   Whether it’s cash management, debt elimination, tax-free retirement, wealth accumulation or more, we’re here to help. Upon review of your current financial position, future goals and lifestyle, your advisor will design a strong financial portfolio to achieve your goals and protect what you value most.

FINANCIAL STRATEGIES AND COUNSELING:  Gone are the days when you can walk into the bank, credit union, or your human resources office to seek assistance in making the best selection for investments, mortgages, retirement or other major financial decisions.

Are you tired of calling a 1-800 number, getting placed on hold, and waiting for assistance?  Pryor Financial Services, LLC. gets to know you, your concerns, and evaluates your data to create personalized analysis and recommendations for financial decision making. 

RETIREMENT PLANNING:  It’s no secret that we can’t depend on Social Security or pensions alone to provide the income needed to maintain the same lifestyle in retirement. Today’s retirees are more active and enjoying longer lives than ever before. 

With proper planning, Pryor Financial Services, LLC. helps eliminate the uncertainty to ensure your retirement funds will last as long as you need them. 

We help our clients understand their employer sponsored retirement plans.  By eliminating confusion, we customize a diversified portfolio and create alternative streams of income to minimize short-falls or generate guaranteed streams of income.   

 Our strategies can safeguard your retirement and help you enjoy: 

· the gains of the stock market without the risk;

· the tax-deferred benefits of a qualified plan.

· the flexibility to fund and withdraw your money tax-free regardless of age and income;

· guaranteed lifetime income; and

· provide a tax-free income for your heirs

CREDIT REPAIR AND DEBT COLLECTOR ASSISTANCE:  A poor credit score results in higher loan interest rates or even the denial of loans.  We provide solutions to increase your score, assist with getting debt paid off quickly without bankruptcy or consolidation loans.  Don’t use a debt relief service paying high fees; use these funds to pay off debt instead.


GENERATIONAL WEALTH CREATION:  Most parents want their children to do better than them. Passing on generational wealth is the most effective way to make this happen. At Pryor Financial Services, LLC. we help parents create and identify streams of income that, placed in the right investments, will ensure generational wealth.